Tag Archives: emotional intelligence


Study to Show Yourself Approved

As we have moved through this season of graduations it was necessary for students to show themselves worthy to earn their diploma, certificate or degree. After presenting evidence the required criteria was met, as established by their respective academic institution, they earned the endorsement for the award. In some ways our individual life style reveals […]


Good Success

One of the fundamental issues we all deal with is control. The Monopoly board game allows us to control the flow of the game by acquisition. Several popular “reality shows” reward control of others attained by devious strategies. Both forms of control require one to dominate. We were designed to take dominion, which has been […]


How much pain do we cause God?

Recently I was struck by a thought that still has me pondering. Something I had never really thought of before. What if God has feelings like ours? Yes, I know He is perfect, He is in the spirit realm, He is omnipotent, He is omniscient, He is love, and yet we are made in His […]

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End Mother’s Day Celebration

I am not one for spending a single day to celebrate life and love. I have an abiding belief that we are to endeavor to reflect love every day. On days like Mother’s Day I do agree it is a good idea to spend some time highlighting appreciation for mothers and mother figures. I am […]

Desires of your heart_Mapsandlanterns.org

Desires of Your Heart

Today there are so many possibilities. Information travels around the world with such speed that we are exposed instantaneously. We can compare our lifestyles with those of others quickly via the Internet. Looking through the lens of the world, what do you cherish about your life and what are the desires of your heart? Take […]

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Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning your house may be a challenge, especially if things have gotten “out of control” since last spring. There are checklists to help you get organized as you clean your residence. I found a list that will help you to get the entire house organized in eight hours! I am going to use that […]