Tag Archives: choice


Domestic Violence

All of the recent focus on domestic violence may cause us to point fingers. Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Jonathan Dwyer, Roger Goodell and Hope Solo are among those being singled out for their behavior. What if everyone involved in such a situation was named? Would your name be among them? How can relationships be rescued […]


Consider the Ant

Summer is quickly passing and winter will arrive soon. As I look beneath my feet on this beautiful southern California day, in the grass I see ants. I remember a quote from the book of Proverbs directing us to “consider the ant and be wise”. I decided it was time for me to consider what […]


“It isn’t where you came from; it’s where you’re going that counts.”

Ella and Ruth lived in different times and had some very different challenges yet their lives illustrate the assessment, which Ella was quoted to have uttered, “It doesn’t matter where you came from; it’s where you’re going that counts.” Let’s explore where they came from and how they made their lives count. Ella Born in […]


Robin Williams

This past week was filled with reports about the unexpected death of Robin Williams. Even those not particularly fond of his performances were touched by his passing. We can improve lives, ours and those of others, by processing this emotive event. Unanswered Questions Robin Williams, or anyone else that has chosen a similar end to […]



As a child I don’t remember having a vivid imagination. As an adult I understand more about traveling to another place and time while sitting in a comfortable chair, waiting in a long line or preparing for a less than favorable situation. Daydreaming, our ability to have the mental elasticity that allows us to mentally […]


Operating Under the Influence

In recent years the numbers of fatalities attributed to operating under the influence of alcohol have decreased. One death is too many, so to see the numbers decrease is welcomed. In part those who have worked tirelessly promoting awareness, legislation and prosecution have impacted the statistics of cases of driving while under the influence (DUI). […]


Straw, Sticks or Bricks?

What’s your pick? Before the big bad wolf came along the three little pigs, in the children’s story, made choices of building materials they would use for their houses. The idea was to escape the wolf’s attacks. Today we can learn from this folktale to improve our spiritual houses. Straw, sticks, or bricks, what’s your […]