Operating Under the Influence
In recent years the numbers of fatalities attributed to operating under the influence of alcohol have decreased. One death is too many, so to see the numbers decrease is welcomed. In part those who have worked tirelessly promoting awareness, legislation and prosecution have impacted the statistics of cases of driving while under the influence (DUI). Operating under the influence of love leads to walking in divine purpose.
According to Google, influence is defined as, “the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.”
Alcohol is properly accompanied with negative effects on the person trying to operate a vehicle. One campaign illustrates that buzzed driving is also able to influence one when operating a vehicle. The ads even state “buzzed driving is drunk driving” in case there is any confusion. When behind the wheel on the road. What we allow to influence us can be deadly or prevent us from reaching our desired destination.
Operating a vehicle is a serious undertaking, in which we can choose to engage. Drinking alcohol while driving is another choice. I speculate that some believe the laws against drunk driving do not apply to them. Some may argue they have no other choice but to get behind the wheel to get to their desired destination. Lack of understanding for the laws designed to keep us safe does not insulate us from paying the consequences of disobedience.
Under the Influence
Drunk driving may not be a challenge you face. Perhaps that is something you would never do.
What about your life journey, or what I prefer to call an odyssey? What do you allow to influence your choices? Who are your role models? Who are those in your inner circle? Who or what do you allow to affect your character, development or behavior? What statutes do you violate expecting to get a free pass?
Our relationships, our mentors, those we spend large amounts of time with help to shape who we are.
Look around at the behavior of those you follow and emulate. Where are they headed? Strip away the veneers, look at the behaviors, where will they lead? How do you spend your time? What are your core values? What drives your actions? What are the examples you look to when you need to encourage yourself? Who do you seek out to keep you focused on your goals?
The answers to those questions will help you to identify how you operate under the influence, or under what influence you operate. Similar to a DUI situation we are all moving toward a destination guided by influencers.
We are to examine ourselves to see whether we are responding to positive or negative influence. Influence which instigates negative outcomes is available and plentiful. Influence which prompts us to positive outcomes is available and plentiful too. Besides the obvious difference between these influences, there outcomes, another distinguishing aspect is ease of access.
There are a number of examples of people that have used their influence to incite and instigate negative responses. Usually there is a crowd of those that will go along with any number of actions that reflect moral and legal depravity. Look at social media, music, movies, news, television, the world, your community and your own family.
Look even closer at your own life. How often have you operated under the influence of selfishness, fear, envy, jealousy, hate and anger only to find yourself with undesirable outcomes? How often have you exalted yourself to find the actual result was that you were humiliated and felt small inside?
When we exalt God, and His principles we love Him, and your neighbor as yourself. When we operate under the influence of LOVE the outcome is always positive. Seek His way of doing right. Ask God for His influence, and reject the influence of anything, or anyone that does not align with Him.
Take Inventory and Take Action!
Look a little deeper, listen to that still small voice, and follow His prompting, be certain you are operating under the influence of love, you will then reach your divine destination, which is your purpose. Since we all will be influenced, wisdom dictates that we choose to operate under the influence that will always bring us to a place uniquely prepared for each of us, before the foundation of the earth by our loving Father.
“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”