MAC vs. PC

Do you prefer a Macintosh or a Personal Computer, an iPad or a Kindle Fire? If I asked that question on a high school campus, in an office building or on the street I would get answers. If I asked it among a group at a coffee shop, at a supermarket, on the beach, at a sporting event or in the mall I am certain people would have answers. I wager the responses would be quick and loaded with detailed facts to support their opinions on the topic!

I ask you: Of all the multitude of tablets, and computers what is your favorite to use and why? Why is it your preference, and how does it make your life better or easier? What draws you to that particular model or those features? Take a moment and think about your answer. Go ahead, I’ll wait for you! 🙂

All right, got your list, ready to defend your position against anyone that would dare enter the conversation? Great!

Now think about yourself and list three of your character strengths. I am not speaking of your hair, or eyes, or height, or weight. I am not speaking of your physical qualities I am speaking about your character. “Those mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual” as defined by Google’s online dictionary. Character has also been described as what we do when no one is looking. What really is a part of us deep inside. Not the veneer we parade around in when we are in the company of those we want to impress. Not the parts we show people on the outside layers, character is deeper, resting on our core values and beliefs.

My guess is you were able to come up with the list of pros and cons about the inanimate devices, which surround you on a daily basis. The technology, which saturates all of our waking hours and then seeps into our dreams; yet does not feed us on an emotional level. Although many “love” their MACs or PCs these objects are unable to return the emotion and nurture us. They have been studied and evaluated, compared and promoted.

What do you know about yourself, your character and how you are able to impact the world? What do you know about how you contribute to the lives of others? How you cause the lives of others to be easier? Do you know what draws people to you? Do you understand how you are uniquely made to fit here on this planet? Do you know what your gifts are and how to operate in strength?

Have you come up with your list of three character strengths yet? If not, here’s a little help. What is it that you do to create a better day for those around you regularly without being asked? I am not talking about being a doormat or someone’s servant. I mean something you do just because it will improve someone else’s quality of life.

I really enjoy traveling with my husband, and my family. Whenever we go to a hotel I always make it a point to speak to the maids in the hotel. No mater what the country is or their language, I make a point to ask them how they are doing or just say hello. I have consistently gotten a positive response. Sometimes it has been a rather long conversation about their family and why they are working. At times it is just a connection between two human beings that choose to exchange a smile. They have been young and very mature. They are all shapes and sizes with various countries of origin. Sometimes I repeat my greeting several times to be heard. Often it seems they do not consider themselves worthy to be treated with endearment or respect and they do not respond immediately. My heart is always warmed by the exchange and by all outward signs theirs are too.

I cannot say that I have ever seen any of these individuals after we checked out of the facility. My actions were motivated from my heart; at my core I love my neighbor. I have an outgoing concern for others. When no one is taking note, giving me favors in return, making a decision on a loan application, considering me for an award, or deciding to increase my bottom line I choose to give a smile and a kind word to someone unknown to me. That is part of my character to look beyond the outer covering (the earth suit) and look into the eyes of someone who is probably overworked and underpaid and give them encouragement. That is part of my character.

I share that example with you, not because I want you to know what I do, because before this note and I am certain afterwards, I will continue to do the same without seeking reward from you; but as a representation of what character means. Then just as you list those features of a computer system, I desire for you to know what features you have that align with your purpose, which is inextricably tied to loving your neighbor as yourself. It begins with you loving yourself.

Part of loving you is to honor the good that resides within you. In order to honor it you first need to be aware of its existence. Take some time now. Think about those distinctive moral qualities that are you at your core. Think about how you express those qualities, especially at times when you think no one is looking. Then focus and dwell on those things. See how you can add more of those expressions to your daily walk. Keep those actions before you perhaps you can make a list.

Then when the attacks come, and they will come, you will be able to build yourself up and wrap yourself in a blanket of love because of the character you have developed that will outdistance those temporary situations where it seems you have made the biggest blunder imaginable! Bathe yourself in that character which comes from God. Practice loving yourself by focusing on your insides serving others, rather than whether the MAC, the PC, the iPad or whatever the latest and greatest device on the horizon may be. Focus on how you connect with your character; love yourself and GOD, Take Inventory and Take Action!

“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself!”

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