Journey Back in Time“The good old days”, “going back down memory lane”, and “remember the time” are often used to point out that moving through time backwards has its rewards. We can benefit by taking a journey back in time. Remembering the good, more than the bad and the ugly is a set up for success.

All of us have a past. A benefit of getting older is that one has experience. Although everything was not pleasant, it is likely that one can reflect on times when challenges were overcome and success enjoyed. Let us go back, journey back in time to when physical needs were met by others. Back to a time when you had to look outside of yourself to discover your basic needs being met.

If you cannot exactly remember that time in your life, think about young children or babies you have been around. For the most part they appreciate a hug, a kiss, a smile and knowing that an adult is close by waiting to fulfill their needs. Even the atypical child displays a sense of understanding they need someone greater than themselves to nurture and care for them.

With a fully operational, visual, time machine one would be able to journey back in time through images of a gallery and easily recognize the attributes of childlike love, trust and fun. As adults with our many responsibilities, coupled with some of the challenges we have faced, we often times lose sight of those very simple childlike responses of dependence outside of ourselves. In utero those responses exist according to “Today, doctors realize that babies begin to engage many of their senses and to learn about the world around them during the last trimester of pregnancy—and maybe even before.”


There are very distinct ways that a baby can show its love. That love can appear in wanting to perpetually be on the lap of its loving parents. It could be in the desire to make eye contact or be in close proximity to said parents twenty-four hours a day. Often preferring a family bed to the solemnity of their comfy quarters, fully designed to meet their needs.


Being in the arms of a loving caregiver and being tossed in the air usually gets a response of squeals, and grins; happy sounds. The child experiences safety even in dangerous situations because of the trust they have. They take risks with climbing, crawling and walking that could easily cause them harm. Their childlike ability to trust connects to their desire to discover the world around them within the confines of knowing their caregivers will keep them safe.


One of my favorite photos is of one of our granddaughters at about age two. She is seated, smiling not so much for the camera as she is enjoying the experience of being in that place where she is so loved that her smile comes bursting through. So thorough is her smile that you can see it all the way down to her right toe, as it points like an indicator that her body is fully engaged in the crescendo of fun.

This weekend my family and I went to see an animated movie. During the movie one child, would laugh, almost randomly. His laugh was so infectious and heartfelt that others, like me, joined in whenever he laughed. I had a belly-laughing good time!

Be Childlike to Enter

In the Bible we are told, “Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” (Mark 10:15, KJV)

Simply stated, that love, the trust we possess and the fun we experience as humans in a loving home as children, is what we are expected to walk in as children of Almighty God. We are to feel His love, seek it out and return it. We are to have an understanding that no matter what situation we may be experiencing because of that love we can trust in Him. We are to trust that in the safety of His presence, no matter what we see unfolding before us we are to have a sense of fun down to our big toe!

Journey back in time, bring the childlike behavior forward to today. Seek out face time with Him. Place your trust in Him, be meek and obedient to Him, have joy, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”

P.S. Please share how you plan to spend Thanksgiving 2015.