The Impossible

The_Impossible_MapsAndLanterns.orgThere is power in the words we use. Impossible is a word whose concept can close our thinking to innumerable possibilities that impact our lives and those of others. When we are able to acknowledge the miracles of God we are able to see that the only impossibility is for God’s promises to fail. By strengthening our relationship with Him, and searching His word we build our faith, thereby replacing our impossible thoughts with His promises.

The Rambunctious Youth

I have worn the hat of teacher all of my life in one form or another. I am thankful that God’s gifting in that area was revealed to me as a young child. We are nurtured and more connected to our heavenly Father as we operate in our gifting.

On one Sunday, while I served as fourth grade teacher for my church’s Christian Education department, I was in front of a cozy, windowless classroom with about twenty students. I had directed the students to the back of the room and we were practicing for an upcoming program.

There was one child, (I will call T.J.) that was rather rambunctious.  On this day I did not see anything particularly unusual about T.J.’s behavior. I asked the children to gather at the rear of the room for our final rehearsal before I would serve them their snack, before their parents would retrieve them to go home.

My attention was abruptly pulled to the back of the room where T.J. and another youth were standing next to desks, which had been moved near the walls of the room to give us the most space for our practice. The other male child (I will call Brandon) was standing, facing away from T.J.

At that very second I saw T.J., without provocation, violently push Brandon, from behind, to the floor. Brandon fell, on the way to the floor his head forcefully collided with the corner of a wooden student desktop. The accompanying sound was bone chilling.

As Brandon landed on the floor T.J. laughed. In those milliseconds before I could dash across the eighteen, or so feet separating us, Brandon did not move.

It seemed time stood still.

I immediately began to pray. When I got to Brandon still motionless and faced down on the carpeted floor, I was not sure what I might see. One would reasonably expect such an impact would leave broken skin, protruding flesh and gushing blood. As a child I had witnessed the aftermath of serious blows and knew how quickly bloodletting occurred.

However, the impossible had happened. There was no blood, no bruise, not even a bulge in his skin requiring ice! Impossible!

I gently touched the area where the impact occurred on Brandon’s head just above his left eye I continued to pray, there was no trace of any impact. Impossible! Brandon was fine.

Everyday Miracles

My prayers were in accordance with the will of God, my heart was focused on the outcome I prayed for. My faith was put to work. Brandon, all of the children in the class, and I experienced one of God’s miracles, the otherwise impossible.

As a result of God’s grace and mercy and the reliance on His word, my faith grew.

What is it in your life that seems like an impossible situation now? Who will you use your faith to pray for? Where will you create a happy ending out of an impossible situation, with the help of our loving Father?

When we study God’s word our faith is increased, faith cometh by the word. Increase your faith. Stand on His promises and put your faith to work in those everyday impossible situations that God turns in to miracles. Place an expectation in your heart that He can, and will deliver you from those situations that appear to be impossible. Rehearse past situations where you engaged your faith and God kept His promise.

Allow His will and ways of doing and being right to prevail in your life through prayer.

As we examine ourselves, and challenge what appears to be impossible with the word of God, we change our lives. Our Almighty God takes situations that we see as impossible and makes a way out of no way. When we can focus on His love, grace and mercy we change our minds and our outcomes. We impact the lives of others too.

Take Inventory and Take Action!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”