Give Thanks

Give_Thanks_MapsAndLanterns.orgAlthough I have had a relationship with God for decades, over the past eleven or so months I have experienced God’s love in new ways. His mercy, His glory; more than I could ask or think. I give thanks. As the memories of the emotional and physical places I have traveled during this season in my life inundate my mind it brings tears to my eyes. He has blessed me beyond measure. I give thanks!

I deliberately take this opportunity, days before the celebration of what we call Thanksgiving Day, to give thanks to God. In case I have neglected to give thanks in days past or missed the prompting to reflect on His goodness, I give thanks and praise today.

I appeal to you to rise above distractions, complacency and all obstructions that block basking in His marvelous light. No matter what you are facing today, no matter how dark, painful or frustrating, God has provided you with a way out. No matter what you are questioning in your life. He has THE answer. He is THE answer. For He has overcome this world. Give thanks!

During this season I have experienced attacks on: my family, my health, my finances, my home, my mind and my spirit. Likewise I have also experienced tremendous victory in: my family, my health, my finances, my home, my mind and my spirit. All due to the goodness of God. His abundance supersedes all lack. His strength establishes victory in every situation. Oh give thanks!

Amidst the ham, turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, tofu J or whatever you choose to ingest, give thanks.

To enter into a relationship with God we are not required to show our pedigree, our bank account, our resume or our portfolio. He does require our hearts to be in a right condition. We must be willing to make a heartfelt commitment to Him. God has given us choice and freewill to commit our hearts. When we yield our hearts to Him we recognize His greatness, we identify our weakness, and we realize our access to relationship with Him. We give thanks!

As I have passed through this season of wilderness, with all of the harshness presented in wilderness, I give thanks. It rains on the just and the unjust. The afflictions of the righteous are many, yet God delivers from them all.

Not feeling so thankful about your current affliction?

Whatever trials you are going through, whatever trials you will go through, God has promised to deliver us from them ALL. When we are in the middle of a trial it may not seem like a time to give thanks. You may be in the middle of such a trial at this moment. One of the ways the enemy causes us to lose our focus on God is by having us focus on the problem rather than the solution.

God is the solution to all of our problems. When we are in the middle of a problematic situation and we focus on the problem not the solution, we often find that the problem gets bigger. Our options get smaller and we fail to see any good within us. We fail to see what we can do by engaging our God-given tools. The tools we possess to extricate us from the situation become impotent due to our inability to see God’s light.

A powerful way to use the tools we each possess is the ability to illuminate the strength within us. That strength is illuminated when we focus on the giver. A stunning way to focus on the giver is to give thanks.

Think about the past twelve months, the past several years, look over your life. The victory you will experience over your current trial will come with the aid of all that God has poured into you up to this point. All of my past battles that at the time seemed insurmountable helped me to withstand and overcome my recent afflictions. Giving thanks helps all of us to be stronger during trials. Give thanks, be strong. Focus on your strength.

Give thanks in the areas of: your relationship with God, family, career, health (mental and spiritual), finances, and friendships. For no matter what trials remain for all of us, it is clear that each day we move further we will have trials. We can give thanks to the Loving giver of all of our strength, as we give Him thanks. Whatever your language or season, give thanks.

Take Inventory, Take Action, Give Thanks!



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”