An eye for an eye. What exactly does that mean? Someone hurts you, you get to hurt them back. They spread a lie about you, you get to spread a lie about them. They drag out your dirty laundry and place it on display, you do the same in return. They ensnare you with a trap, you set a trap for them. An eye for an eye, is a way to mete out retribution, and means we get to repay with the same measure that was given to us.
According to history this practice of an eye for an eye goes back before King Hammurabi in 1792 B.C.E. This king was known for a code of laws with nearly 300 rules about how various offenses were to be paid back by an offender. It appears these laws were to ensure that each person or their family would get appropriate retribution based on their status and the magnitude of the infraction.
When one lives by such a code of rules they presuppose a couple of things:
1). They will not be a wrongdoer.
2). They will not be required to repay for any wrongdoings.
Whenever people quote the concept of an eye for an eye do they ever use themselves as the one committing the offense? Or are they speaking of a time when they affirm their justification to avenge actions of another?
How many lifetimes would one have to live to repay all of the wrongdoings they commit?
Honoring the rules of an eye for an eye seemingly is an indication we are only able to see the wrongdoings of others? Can we not see that we are knowingly and unknowingly committing unlovely acts against others all of the time? Sometimes it comes in the form of a scowl when a smile would be better served. Sometimes comments made to undermine someone’s reputation, just because we can. At times, devious schemes are woven to sabotage someone’s progress.
Can we not see that we have been cavalier with the feelings of others under the guise of, “I will get them before they get me” or making some other excuse that communicates we have a right to think of ourselves at the expense of walking on others, as we grind our heels into their backs!
Can we see the plank that is in our eye before we see the speck in our neighbor’s eye? Our merciful God directs us to allow Him to carry out vengeance.
Looking Through Another Lens
I have learned to see an eye for an eye a little differently, I see it as a way to give to others and by that same measure we will be given. As we give out of the gifts God has so graciously given to us we receive. The intent of my heart is not to see how much I can get by giving however, it is a benefit of giving. The intent of my heart is to give Him glory, many times I make the mark! As I honor Him and seek Him He blesses those efforts.
In my daily walk I have wiped tears and comforted. I have been a listening ear when words were not necessary. I have been that voice that spoke in silence. I have taught those considered unteachable. I have fed those that were hungry and so much more. He wipes my tears. He comforts. He nourishes. He feeds. He speaks for, and to me. He teaches me. He feeds me. And so much abundantly more…
God, through His loving kindness has given me so very much. As I focus on loving by giving what He has given me, love naturally gives back in return. A true win-win.
Have I been on the giving and receiving end of wrongdoing? YES! Will I continue to offend others? YES! Am I perfect? NO. Because of His righteousness and the provisions made for me through His love, I have an opportunity each day to become more like Him.
Being loving to myself and my neighbor as myself is not without challenge. It is a continual process. As I practice and focus I constantly gain ground. For me an eye for an eye means I give as I am given.
And you? Take Inventory and Take Action!
“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”