The Easy Yoke Gets Rid of Baggage
The yoke pictured here is associated with the joining of two working animals that bear a heavy load. Humans frequently take on the role of beasts of burden. There is a way to carry a yoke that is easy.
Envisioning humans being linked together in a device like this one may seem unthinkable however, when we can see ourselves yoked with the right partner our work will be easy. The burdens you carry will be lightened and the work will be multiplied when your burden is made easy.
The use of this type of yoke goes back to Biblical times. The large loops near each of the ends of the timber extending down are placed around the neck of the oxen. The small ring in between the loops was usually connected to the object being drawn by the oxen or to another pair of oxen, which were in turn connected to the load. Because the oxen were coupled they had to move in the same direction sharing the load, staying the course together.
Your Yoke
We often speak of carrying baggage. We talk about issues that we all carry around from one relationship to another. What baggage are you carrying around? Are your shoulders bowed with the remains of poor decisions, bad relationships, unfulfilled dreams or broken promises? Take a look at what is inside that luggage. Pretend you are going through an airport security system that can look beyond the covering and see into the heart of your issues.
What do you see? Look closely. Some of it may have been inside there for so long you might have forgotten that you were carrying it. You may not even recognize its current form. What is at the very root of your burden? Is it living for fame, fortune, prestige, admiration, affection, love or money? What is the driving force of your life? What is it that causes you to arise each morning and get back on the path? Toward which purpose are you driving?
As you unpack, see how much you were able to press on top of the basic issue that drives your life. Surely some of the literal airlines would be charging a great amount of fees for overflow if you tried to board with all that you are carrying! Unless we are driven by God’s will it is excess baggage and oppressive.
When you pulled everything out of that carryon bag, if you could choose, what would you put in a keep pile? Would you choose to keep most of it? Probably not. As we file experiences, thoughts and behaviors they are likely in the baggage category, because it contains something unwanted. So how can baggage, a burden or a yoke be something that one would want to carry?
When what is carried helps us along the path of our life to live out our purpose it is no longer a heavy burden it becomes something different.
The Easy Yoke
There is a time when carrying a yoke is actually a way to live our lives better. In the Bible we are encouraged to share a yoke.
Let’s take a look at what and why Jesus the Christ said that a yoke, His yoke, is to be taken up. Here is part of His statement, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; …” (See Matthew 11:29 – 30 King James Version). The word translated here as take comes from a Greek word that means to lift, carry or take up. This verb promotes action. So initially we can learn from Him by carrying His yoke.
Yoke here in this context is used as a metaphor for sharing with Jesus, submitting to His authority. As we walk figuratively alongside Him, in agreement with His direction, in this case He takes on the reigns. As the oxen are doing their work they are unable to look around in diverse directions. They must both walk together to get the job done. Therefore one must submit to the other as one takes the lead.
Near the end of the passage it continues, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Easy, what does the word easy mean in this context? The Greek word here is rendered kindly. The word burden in the Greek (phortion) speaks of something to be allowed not something heavy.
So in essence the sentence could be translated, “Because the direction of my walk is kindly and light to allow.”
The whole picture of the yoke helps me to see when we allow our lives to have God as the lead, through Jesus the Christ we are able to let God have the reigns so that He can guide us to the work He has for us to do in life.
Walk it Out
Our lives appear to be very complicated. We get stressed by our day-to-day routines. We spend time with a variety of things to keep us preoccupied from the daily stressors like: computers, electronic tablets, room-sized televisions, hundreds of channels to choose from and countless other activities to while away the hours. We compartmentalize ourselves from each other with headphones, chaotic schedules and busyness. What is the purpose of your life, how do you continue without being certain?
Where is the time for conversation with others? Where is the time to spend getting to know ourselves, our gifts and our purpose? What time do we spend deepening our relationship with God?
If we believe His word is true and we choose to live our best life, how can we neglect to act in our own interest and lighten our burden, by taking on the ”easy yoke”? We get to choose. What motivates your current choice? If we must be on the path why not take the journey on, with true purpose. We can learn from the Bible and our relationship with God, how our lives can be easier, more productive and purposeful.
Can you use an easier yoke, less burden and more guidance? Loving you involves loving God, by honoring His commandments, creating a win-win-win!
Take Inventory and Take Action!
“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”