Disaster to Deliverance
We are already at the end of another year! A time when we usually review performance over the year. Great ceremonies share the merits various categories. Review 2013 by taking a look at areas where you have excelled moving from disaster to deliverance. Turing the page of a calendar to another year is a mark of time, genuine progress comes when we move from disaster to deliverance. Give yourself a year-end rating. See where and how you improved this year.
What disasters in your life were turned around during this year? What caused you to repeatedly stumble in the past and now you are able to face it head on in victory? What created serious anxiety for you before that you now take on with confidence? What was it that was formerly excruciating in your life and now the pain has been replaced with joy? Those are the areas where you have experienced some degree of deliverance.
We All Have Pain
Yes, we all have pain. As a child, my pain was connected to physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. I witnessed domestic violence and verbal abuse on a regular basis. The last time I saw the aftermath of a beating my mom received from my alcoholic dad I was not sure what part of her face was hurt as it was covered with blood. We all have pain.
There was violence, rage, hate, fear and the monotony of wondering when it all would end in my formative years. When the pieces of my young life were put together, to the casual observer it most certainly looked like a disaster. A complete, utter, dismal, disaster! We all have pain.
Your pain may not be the same as mine, yet we all have pain. No matter what the shape, size, magnitude or duration, we all have pain. We all recognize that empty feeling, which resembles lack of love in our lives. We know what it feels like to be treated as though we are insignificant, without purpose. A void that is linked to depression, anger, self-loathing or hopelessness. We all have pain.
The conundrum of my beginning is that within the walls of my childhood residence I did not feel loved by my parents, nonetheless I was fully aware of God’s love for me. I always knew He loved me. Even as a child I was seeking Him.
Today God has truly changed my disaster into deliverance. He gave me a map and lantern to find my way out of the dark maze of hate, fear and anger. I was then empowered to share Maps and Lanterns with others to light the path of love.
We are created with the desire to love and be loved. Love is one of our basic human needs.
God rewarded my desire to be loved and to love Him by sharing His unconditional love with me. That love was, and always has been there for me (and for you). Glory to God! Disaster to deliverance!
I have practiced and learned forgiveness toward my parents. I acquire more and more freedom form the bonds that held me back. Over this past year I have learned more about following His commandment of love. My faith has grown. I have experienced more of His peace that surpasses all understanding.
When I am operating as He designed me there is immeasurable joy, peace and freedom; deliverance. God has guided me, in response to my seeking with more and more levels of deliverance. I praise Him for His mercy and grace. Disaster to deliverance!
At this time of year I recount the new levels of deliverance. The darkness of the disaster marked by fear, hate, anger and pain, is paled by the vibrancy of His ever increasing deliverance!!
This year I inventory: more deliverance, more love. The best, the most, the loveliest year yet!
Look at what has moved from disaster to deliverance in your life. Celebrate the odyssey! Bask in His love, spread it to your neighbor! It is the time of year to Take Inventory and Take Action and celebrate your genuine progress!
If you were to have an award for outstanding achievement at the end of this year how would it be engraved? Fill in the blanks: To ______________________ for outstanding achievement in _____________________. With God’s help, make it so there, is still time 2014 has not arrived yet!!
“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”