Christmas Soul Food

Christmas_Soul_Food_MapsAndLanterns.orgOne way I express love to myself is through music. When that music helps me to give praise to God it is another way I connect with Him. My Christmas soul food does not add to my waistline nor does it create any dirty dishes. Music nurtures my soul. It soothes. It expresses emotions. It feeds my soul. Soul food can stay with you long after it is heard, like the song one hears that sticks in your head while in the mall shopping. We get to program our own ambiance. Why not deliberately create a place where we can feast on what is good for us?

The first time I heard the melody of the song I have included below, it became a favorite. As we reflect during this season filled with food, spending, elaborate decorations and feeding frenzies, let us remember those who have gone before us. Celebrate the contributions of love that got us all to this point.

I pray that we all will soberly ponder, the reason for the season. His name is Jesus the Christ.

I encourage you to spend time in meditation as you enjoy these versions of one of my favorite songs. Taste these morsels of epicurean delight; food for the soul!

I pray the love of God will fill your home and your life, for now and forever. Enjoy Christmas soul food. Help yourself.



“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”