Archive / Forgiveness

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Matters of the Heart

Along with the concept of love comes the topics of forgiveness, and repentance, these are all matters of the heart. When we are able to understand these real connections we can be more deliberate in living our best life. These matters of the heart are able to forcefully separate, or galvanize, depending on how they […]

Sitting on the Bench

An action as simple as sitting on a bench makes a tremendous difference depending on when and why the action takes place. In this fast-paced world of working hard, playing hard and getting ready for the next season of the same, we do not often stop to have important conversations. As a result things not […]


Mother’s Day; Joy and Pain

Mother’s Day causes me to think of many different people and emotions. Whatever you think of when contemplating Mother’s Day is a choice. Having emotions about the one that generally holds the emotional thread in the family is almost automatic. Being deliberate about what you do with those emotions will determine what you experience on […]


What leaves a bitter taste in your mouth? Dental or gum problems, dehydration, medication or various other things can cause a bitterness in the mouth. When we hold negative feelings and emotions we harbor bitterness in our hearts that is distasteful to God. It undermines our relationship with Him. Eradicate the bitterness. Deadly Bitterness According […]


When we constantly focus on remembering our misdeeds, it is like being frozen. Our interactions and relationships then have the added complication of an iciness that is a barrier to love. However, when we renew our minds it’s the warmth of love that melts the ice. On The Big Screen “Frozen”, a popular animated Disney […]

You Share DNA With Nelson Mandela

Over the past several days, we have heard much about Nelson Mandela. The Internet, print and televised media have flooded us with responses to news of his transition from this life. A vital fact that I have yet to see highlighted is that you share DNA with Nelson Mandela. Yes, whomever you are wherever you […]