Study to Show Yourself Approved
As we have moved through this season of graduations it was necessary for students to show themselves worthy to earn their diploma, certificate or degree. After presenting evidence the required criteria was met, as established by their respective academic institution, they earned the endorsement for the award. In some ways our individual life style reveals scholarship as we complete the curriculum in our life class. Study to show yourself approved.
Students display what they have learned to their instructors. Ideally the curriculum is designed to challenge the student while affirming their innate knowledge and encouraging them to make connections. The true teachers are guides along the path, acknowledging the inherent gifts, (along with the special needs) of each student, and facilitating the connection to the curriculum.
Each of us is a student in a school without walls. We all have inherent gifts and special needs. God is THE BEST SPECIAL NEEDS TEACHER!
Study to show yourself approved.
Having gone through the rigors of graduate school and after assisting others to navigate the process of preparing a thesis I am well aware of the process. Various programs are geared to produce a level of expertise regarding given subjects. Some produce bachelors, masters or doctors based on the program. Whatever the case the student is to present compelling evidence of their acumen. When the criteria are met the specified award is realized.
Some Students Fail to Overcome Barriers
New York Times writer, Tamar Lewin reports, “College Graduation Rates Are Stagnant Even as Enrollment Rises, a Study Finds”. It appears that everyone that begins the path does not make it to their planned reward. I believe that everyone that makes a sincere effort to enroll at a college or university desires to finish, and finish strong. In the article several reasons are given about why students do not finish.
One reason that seemed to fit across socioeconomics, ethnicities and student age is reflected in this following excerpt: “Time is the enemy of college completion,” the report said. “The longer it takes, the more life gets in the way of success.”
As followers of Jesus the Christ we are saved. That is a life-changing reward, which will come after our time in this classroom. I lack the words to properly express the magnitude of my joy because of God’s love that has been poured on us. Thinking about that now brings a flood of emotion.
God loves us and gave His only begotten Son. The Son came to this earth in the form of a man so that we might be saved. That gift is free although it was costly, Jesus the Christ has paid the price. To receive that gift we are informed in Romans 10:9: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (KJV)
I see a definite parallel with academic studies and the odyssey of our lives in this classroom without walls. Is it possible the longer it takes the more we allow life to get in the way of our success? How can we maintain our faith for the duration?
Could it be that the longer the path becomes the more difficult it is for us to press toward the mark we so greatly desire?
Until Then Study to Show Yourself Approved
What if we can have a more abundant life now? What if our loving Heavenly Father has made provision for us to live a better life as we move toward the award He has prepared for us at the end of our time in this classroom?
Are you experiencing God’s best in your life today? Do you allow life to get in the way of your study? Do you study to show yourself approved?
He has equipped us with what we need to succeed now and forever. He has made provisions for us in His plan. He is omniscient. He is omnipotent. He is from everlasting to everlasting.
His curriculum and course is tailored specifically for you; individualized instruction at its best. He examines your heart for compelling evidence of achievement.
He has clearly instructed us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV)
Take Inventory and Take Action! Study to show yourself approved.
“Lighting the path to loving your neighbor as yourself.”